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Werkverzeichnis von Robert Starer

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Stone Ridge Set
The Fringes of a Ball
Excursion for a Percussionist
Light and Shadow
String Quartet No. 3
Music Vibrates in the Memory
Nishmat Adam - The Soul of Man
Festive Prelude
Three Quiet Interludes
Proverbs for a Son
Five Duets for Young Pianists
Above, Below and Between
Fanfare, Pastorale and Serenade
Piano Quartet
Kli Zemer - Concerto for clarinet and orchestra
Mizmor L'David
Night Thoughts
Duo for Violin and Piano
Elegy for a Woman who Died too Young
The Contemporary Virtuoso - Seven studies for intermediate piano
String Quartet No. 2
Clarinet Quintet
Two Sacred Songs
Introduction and Hora
The Mystic Trumpeter
Dalton Set - Suite in vier Sätzen
To Think of Time
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
The Rolling Earth
Lyric Music
Yizkor and Anima Eterna
The Seven Faces of a Fernando
Elegy for Strings
Third Street Overture
Three Preludes
Fanfare in Five
Fantasy on a Sephardic Melody
To be Superior
Three Gregorian Preludes
My Sweet Old Etcetera
Suite of Piano Duets
Electric Church and the Walls of Jerusalem
Fantasy for Strings 1945
String Quartet No. 1 1947
Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Orchestra 1947
Concertino 1948
Prelude 1948
Five Miniatures 1948
Prelude and Dance 1949
Symphony No. 1 1950
Five Proverbs of Love 1950
Symphony No. 2 1951
Sonata for Cello and Piano 1951
Kohelet 1952
Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra 1953
Prelude and Rondo Giocoso 1953
Concerto a tre 1954
Ballade 1955
The Intruder - Oper 1956
Serenade for Brass 1956
Dirge 1956
Concerto for Viola, Strings and Percussion 1958
Ariel, Visions of Isaiah 1959
Fantasia concertante 1959
The Dybbuk - Ballett 1960
The Story of Esther - Ballett 1960
Samson Agonistes - Ballett 1961
Dialogues 1961
Phaedra - Ballett 1962
Variants 1963
Trio 1964
Two Songs from "Honey and Salt" 1964
Mutabili - Variationen für Orchester 1965
Joseph and his Brothers - Kantate 1966
Six Variations with Twelve Notes - for Young People's Concert 1967
Pantagleize - Oper nach dem gleichnamigen Stück von Michel de Ghelderode 1967
Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra 1967
Sabbath Eve Service 1967
The Sense of Touch - Ballett 1967
The Lady of the House of Sleep - Ballett 1968
Heptahedron 1968
Symphony No. 3 1969
Woodwind Quartet 1970
Concerto No. 3 for Piano and Orchestra 1972
Images of Man 1973
The Last Lover - Kammeroper 1974
Colloquies 1974
Mandala 1974
Profiles in Brass 1974
Holy Jungle - Ballett 1974
Evanescents 1975
Journals of a Songmaker 1975
Psalms of Woe and Joy 1975
The People, Yes 1976
Apollonia - Oper 1978
Anna Margarita's Will - Dramatischer Monolog 1979
Violin Concert 1979
Transformations 1980
Sonata for Two Pianos 1981
Annapolis Suite 1982
Concerto a quattro 1983
Hudson Valley Suite 1983
Serenade 1984
Symphonic Prelude 1984
Voices of Brooklyn 1984
Six Preludes for Guitar 1984
Remembering Felix 1987
Album - Sammlung der Klavierstücke 1991
Concert for two Pianos 1993
Choral Music - Sammlung der Chorwerke 1993